커스텀 screen 9100 에 salv 컨테이너를 올린다음에 row 선택된 데이타를 index로 확인해서 처리하려고 하였으나 index인식이 안되는 문제가 발견되었다.
click event발생시 선택된 row의 index정보를 읽어와야 되는데 안읽어져 올때 아래구문을 참고하면된다.
Register selection when show ALV:
lo_selections = go_alv_dms->get_selections( ).
lo_selections->set_selection_mode( if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column ).
lo_events = go_alv_dms->get_event( ).
CREATE OBJECT go_handler.
SET HANDLER go_handler->on_user_command2 FOR lo_events.
Method on_user_command:
case gv_ok_0100.
when 'OK'.
lt_rows = go_alv_dms->get_selections( )->get_selected_rows( ).
->아래구문 필요함
DATA gr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
DATA it_rows TYPE salv_t_row.
gr_alv->get_metadata( ). " Call this method before getting selected rows
it_rows = gr_alv->get_selections( )->get_selected_rows( ).
get_selected_rows returns nothing
Hello, I'm trying to use the ALV Object model. I've added the option for the user to select multiple rows (via set_selection_mode ROW_COLUMN). However, after the user has selected rows and pushes the continue button, I don't find any data with the method g
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